The impact of technology on fitness and wellness

Technology has transformed the fitness and wellness industry in many ways, making it easier than ever to stay healthy and active. From wearable devices to mobile apps, the latest advancements have made it possible to track your progress and achieve your fitness goals with ease. At Ridavo, we understand the importance of staying on top […]
The effects of social media on body image and mental health

As social media continues to dominate our daily lives, it has become increasingly apparent that it has both positive and negative effects on our body image and mental health . While social media can be a great source of inspiration and motivation for fitness and wellness, it can also have damaging effects on our self-esteem […]
83-Year-Old Woman In Chennai Is Workout, Fitness Icon On Social Media

At her sixth-floor home in an apartment complex at 4 pm, Kiran Bai is ready to hit the floor mat for a round of exercises. Chennai: Chennai’s 83-year-old Kiran Bai has become an icon for physical fitness. She religiously lifts weights and works out at her home, defying her age. Her Instagram videos are shared […]