It’s easy to lose our sense of direction when we compare our journey to that of others or feel like we’ve missed out our chance to make it to the top. Be mindful of this tendency, Gemini, and gently bring your focus back to your vision board. Something tells us you are where you are supposed to be and that your commitment to growth will yield magnificent results. But, *this* is the big love, Leo. The once-in-a-lifetime connection that you have called into your life, and consciously so. Allow yourself to explore the length and breadth of this connection. Allow yourself to believe in the impossible. Something tells us everything you desire and deserve awaits you on the other side of fear. Transitioning from friends to lovers is seldom easy, Virgo. There’s so much you know about the other. At the same time, there is so much you are yet to discover. Give yourself the permission to throw out every rulebook and listen to your heart.
Aries Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
But, you don’t have to wear the masks, Aries. You’re not obliged to play roles that don’t feel authentic to you. This is your chance to show up as the wildest, most authentic version of yourself with the inner knowing that those who are meant to be a part of your circle will never judge you for this. As such, this is also a time of working through your self-limiting beliefs on the professional front. Visualise your higher self and then show up as them. Something tells us remembering your power and potential will make you invincible!
Cosmic tip: Visualise your higher self and show up as them.
Taurus Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
Today, you’re grateful. You’re grateful for all the love that is being poured into your cup. For all the people who show up for you consistently and take pride in watching you grow. Once again, you’re being asked to celebrate your soul family. To let them, through both actions and words, just how special they are. Something tells us the connections you are investing in now will continue to grow from strength to strength, wild one. PS: Some of you could be thinking about starting a business or a venture with a loved one.
Cosmic tip: What’s your love language, Taurus?
Gemini Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
It’s easy to lose our sense of direction when we compare our journey to that of others or feel like we’ve missed out our chance to make it to the top. Be mindful of this tendency, Gemini, and gently bring your focus back to your vision board. Something tells us you are where you are supposed to be and that your commitment to growth will yield magnificent results. Word for the wise: don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. Don’t be afraid to repeat certain tasks until you find the perfection that you are seeking in all of your endeavours.
Cosmic tip: You are where you are supposed to be and that your commitment to growth will yield magnificent results.
Cancer Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
Today, you’re feeling love and you’re feeling loved. You’re feeling connected to the other and through them both heaven and earth. It’s an almost mystical experience, isn’t it? To feel this sort of divinity flowing within and without. What the cards are reminding you today: that you are deserving of the love you have manifested in your experience. Breathe in the faith. Breathe out the fear. Know that you are safe and protected, no matter what.
Cosmic tip: Allow yourself to flow with this connection you have manifested into your Universe.
Leo Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
But, *this* is the big love, Leo. The once-in-a-lifetime connection that you have called into your life, and consciously so. Allow yourself to explore the length and breadth of this connection. Allow yourself to believe in the impossible. Something tells us everything you desire and deserve awaits you on the other side of fear. PS: If you’ve been thinking about planning a romantic getaway, now is the time to put your heads together.
Cosmic tip: Allow yourself to explore the length and breadth of this connection.
Virgo Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
Transitioning from friends to lovers is seldom easy, Virgo. There’s so much you know about the other. At the same time, there is so much you are yet to discover. Give yourself the permission to throw every rulebook out of the window as you begin to explore the length and breadth of this connection, wild one. Walking into the unknown comes with its fair share of challenges, and that’s okay. Reminding yourself that this is the sacred union you have consciously called into your experience will enable you to tap into that space of courage within.
Cosmic tip: Give yourself the permission to throw every rulebook out of the window and listen to your heart.
Libra Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
But, you’ve got to speak up, Libra. There is no way out of this. Today, the Universe is urging you to take charge of your destiny. To remember your worth and to ask for what you deserve unapologetically. Oh, the abundance you will attract once you get out of your own way + recognise your power and potential!
Cosmic tip: Ask for what you deserve.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
You have big dreams, Scorpio. You want a house of your own and somebody who feels like home to share it with. What the Universe is whispering right now: ‘’Your wishes are my commands.’’ As such, property-related matters are likely to come to the forefront. If you’ve been looking to rent/purchase a studio and/or find a tenant for yours, now is an opportune time to do so. Just make sure you read the offer document carefully because Mercury is in retrograde right now.
Cosmic tip: Trust that your wishes will be granted in the most mysterious of ways.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
They’ve been blowing hot and cold, Sagittarius. They’ve been showing up for you when it is convenient for them to do so. Today, you’re being asked to pour yourself a cup of tea and introspect on why you seem to be finding yourself at the mercy of emotionally unavailable partners. Remember your own power and potential, beautiful. Remember what you are truly deserving of. Something tells us you will be able to shift your outer reality by shifting your beliefs around love and relationships.
Cosmic tip: You deserve so much more than you allow yourself to believe.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
Maybe it’s not you. Maybe it’s them. Maybe they’re being emotionally unavailable to you at this time. Instead of diminishing your feelings, have an open and honest conversation with them, Capricorn. Tell them how you want to be loved and how you need to be supported at this time. Trust that you will survive the stormiest of storms, if the foundation that you have laid is strong.
Cosmic tip: Tell them how you want to be loved and how you need to be supported at this time.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
The truth is, matters won’t just resolve themselves. You will have to take things in your hands. You will have to send the given authorities with an ultimatum of some sort if gentle reminders have not been doing their job well. Remember, if you don’t ask for what is owed to you, nobody will give it to you, Aquarius.
Cosmic tip: Ask for what is owed to you.
Pisces Horoscope Today: September 15, 2022
But, there is no such thing as an overnight success, Pisces. It has taken years and years of hard work to get where you are and will probably take another few years to get where you envision yourself. The good thing is, you are on the right track and you are steadily progressing towards the desired destination. ‘Forward and onwards’ is a mantra that will help you take the so-called challenges in your stride and achieve what you once considered impossible. On a side note, if the opportunity to travel or take your work places comes around, just say yes.
Cosmic tip: Forward and onwards, beautiful.