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Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Aries, be patient with yourself, no matter where you are in your journey. Know that you cannot break old patterns overnight despite your best efforts to do so. Honour this Tango you seem to be caught up in as an essential part of your rebirthing. Gemini, you’re thriving, both personally and professionally—and your relationship is becoming a source of much joy and fulfilment in your life. You are in a place where you are committed to growth and are supporting each other in the process of becoming the best version of yourself. Coming from a space of wholeness is helping you pour into each other’s cup unconditionally. We get it, Capricorn. You’re in a good place and you’re grateful for the love between the two of you. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on the same page about where you are going from here. Today, the cards are bringing to your attention the lesson of accountability. Instead of beating around the bush or trying to read their mind, have a conversation about what you desire from this relationship and the life you wish to co-create with them. Communication will bring you much-needed clarity.

Aries Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Transformation is a mysterious process. Sometimes, you feel like you’ve let go of the baggage of the past. At other times, it feels as if your past is about to get the better of you. No matter where you are in your journey, be patient with yourself. Know that you cannot break old patterns overnight despite your best efforts to do so. Today, you’re being called to honour this Tango as an essential part of your rebirthing, Aries.

Cosmic tip: You’re in the process of breaking old patterns. Be gentle with yourself.

Taurus Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

There comes a point in every seeker’s journey where they have to make decisions about where they want to go from here. You are at such a point in your life, Taurus. Going back to the old ways seems rather easy at this point. But, it will not help you grow into who you were always meant to be. So, take a shot of courage and move into the unknown. As you do, practise the fine art of surrender and let go of the need to find fixed answers. Something tells us you are in the midst of a massive transformation.

Cosmic tip: Practise the fine art of surrender, beautiful.

Gemini Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Gemini, you’re thriving, both personally and professionally—and your relationship is becoming a source of much joy and fulfilment in your life. You are in a place where you are committed to growth and are supporting each other in the process of becoming the best version of yourself. Coming from a space of wholeness is helping you pour into each other’s cup unconditionally. What’s more, you don’t feel the need to control or manipulate each other. There is respect for each other’s boundaries and space to share your opinions freely and communicate your needs openly.

Cosmic tip: Here’s to love, trust and mutual respect.

Cancer Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

The dark moon is bringing with it the reminder that it’s not your job to heal or fix everybody. So, pay attention to the ‘wounded healer’ archetype and how it is playing out in your life. This is your chance to release the burden that was never yours to carry. What’s more, you’re being asked to let the people you love make their own mistakes too. Trust that life will, in its own mysterious way, teach them what they need to know. The only thing you can do for them is lend them a listening ear and hold them in the way they’re asking to be held right now. 

Cosmic tip: Life has its own way of teaching us what we need to learn.

Leo Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

This is a time for love and romance, Leo. A time for grand declarations and grander gestures. The catch? That the object of your desire may not be as prolific at expressing their emotions as you are, beautiful. The important thing to remember is where they are coming from. Holding space for them to show up for you in a way that feels authentic to them is a love language, beautiful. Something tells us you are about to be surprised in more ways than one!

Cosmic tip: Everybody has their own unique way of expressing love.

Virgo Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Being realistic is for rookies. Virgo season has you believing in the impossible with the inner knowing the Universe is your co-conspirator on this mission to greatness. So, break past your personal barriers, will you? Prepare to take all kinds of risks without worrying about whether or not you have a back-up plan in place. Something tells us Lady Luck is working overtime to help you build bridges, open golden gates, and manifest the dreams that have graced your vision board since the beginning of time.

Cosmic tip: You’ve got Lady Luck on your side, beautiful.

Libra Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

If you feel like you’re on your way to someplace, but you don’t know what that is, you’re not alone. If you feel like you’re being asked to let go of baggage of your past, you’re not alone. If you feel like your identity is constantly being annihilated, yours is not an isolated experience. You’re being prepared for something bigger, Libra. Trust that, let go of the old story and allow yourself to be transformed. The dark moon is holding space for you to transmute the heavy emotions that have been weighing you down.

Cosmic tip: You are being prepared to step into a bigger role.

Scorpio Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Now is *not* the time to leave everything to chance, Scorpio. This is the time to have important conversations around money, property, assets and the kind of life that you wish to build together. Remember, love alone cannot pay your bills, beautiful. As such, matters related to home and family could also be vying for your attention. What you want to avoid: trying to resolve matters over the phone. Meeting in person will help you find the amicable solutions you’re looking for.

Cosmic tip: Have the conversation in person.

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

We get it, Sagittarius. You are trying to do right by others. You’re weighing the pros and cons to see how the given decision will affect those you love. Could it be that you have forgotten about the most important person in your life as a result of this? Could it be that the dreams you have put on the backburner are becoming the reason for your growing dissatisfaction? Knowing where you end and others begin is a lesson that is integral to your soul’s growth.

Cosmic tip: Know where you end and others begin.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

We get it, Capricorn. You’re in a good place and you’re grateful for the love between the two of you. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re on the same page about where you are going from here. Today, the cards are bringing to your attention the lesson of accountability. Instead of beating around the bush or trying to read their mind, have a conversation about what you desire from this relationship and the life you wish to co-create with them. At the same time, be receptive to what they have to say. Communication will bring you the clarity you require in order to move ahead.

Cosmic tip: Today, the cards are bringing your attention to the lesson of accountability.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Who are you if not who you have been told to be? This is a time of finding your true strengths, Aquarius. A time of remembering who you are and the gifts that you have been blessed with. You are so much more than you allow yourself to believe. On the work front, the cards are pointing towards a dream team. The kind of partnership that is holding space for you to express yourself fully and grow into who you were always meant to be. So, aim for the stars, baby, and know that you are fully supported in the process of creating your best life!

Cosmic tip: You are so much more than you allow yourself to believe.

Pisces Horoscope Today: August 26, 2022

Pisces, if you want to create a new reality for yourself, you will have to step outside of your comfort zone. You will have to take a shot of courage and venture in the unknown. Don’t doubt the potential of what you can co-create with Spirit. Don’t for a second doubt the magic that surrounds you in this moment. You are fully supported in your dream-weaving process, beautiful.

Cosmic tip: Step out of your comfort zone, will you?


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