We are not just the creators of our reality. We’re also playing the role of ‘the destroyer’ while we’re here. They’re both parts of the same puzzle, Cancer, and are integral to our evolution here in the physical realm. This week, you’re being reminded of the power of endings and the power of uprooting yourself for the sake of laying down a brand new foundation. We’ve got a clear case of betrayal on the cards, Gemini, the kind that’s causing you more pain than you anticipated. Word for the wise: take your heart out of the given situation. Give yourself the permission to see things with a clear vision. By doing so, you will be able to recognise all the ways in which you have been betraying yourself more than anybody else. Virgo, you see clearly now how things worked out in your favour. How you were being protected, not punished, by the Universe. How you were perpetually being propelled in the direction of growth. The onset of Virgo season sees you smiling your brightest smile, expressing gratitude for both your present and your past and creating the future with cautious optimism. There’s so much to look forward to and you’re just getting started, beautiful!
Aries Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
If you have been thinking about higher learning or distance education, now is the time to actively pursue the given goal, Aries. Prioritise every opportunity that helps you expand your empire and grow in the right direction. If the classroom format is something you do not resonate with, approach a mentor or guide you look up to. There’s much you could learn simply by being around them at this time.
Cosmic tip: Higher learning is on the cards.
Taurus Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
If there’s one thing you’re certain about, it’s that you didn’t come here to live a mediocre life. You came here to live a life of passion, to realise your highest potential, and to inspire change in the collective. So, take a moment to zoom out of your circumstances, will you? Something tells us you’re already on the right track! Travel or a geographical shift may be on the cards too for some of you. Trust how your higher self is urging you to embrace this change.
Cosmic tip: You’re already shining your light in the way that you are meant to.
Gemini Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
We’ve got a clear case of betrayal on the cards, Gemini, the kind that’s causing you more pain than you anticipated. Word for the wise: take your heart out of the given situation. Give yourself the permission to see things with a clear vision. By doing so, you will be able to recognise all the ways in which you have been betraying yourself more than anybody else. The good thing is, it’s not too late. It’s not too late to reaffirm your boundaries and ask for what *you* need in order to feel safe.
Cosmic tip: Start by being true to yourself.
Cancer Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
We are not just the creators of our reality. We’re also playing the role of ‘the destroyer’ while we’re here. They’re both parts of the same puzzle, Cancer, and are integral to our evolution here in the physical realm. This week, you’re being reminded of the power of endings. The power of uprooting yourself for the sake of laying down a brand new foundation. The process of letting go of what could have been can be excruciatingly painful. Let’s not get started on what a frightening place the unknown seems to be. The good thing is, you are fully supported by the divine forces. You are being led in the direction of growth.
Cosmic tip: You are both the creator and destroyer of your reality.
Leo Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
There was a time in your life when you had to choose ‘positive thoughts’. There was a time when gratitude felt like an effort. There was a time when you had to consciously rewire yourself to focus on all the good that life has to offer. But, what you are experiencing right now is change on a fundamental level, Leo. You’re waking up with a spring in your step and a song in your heart. You’re thankful for where you are and you’re thankful for all the ways in which the Universe is supporting your growth. PS: Keep that beautiful heart of yours open and allow yourself to receive that which has always been yours!
Cosmic tip: Gratitude is slowly becoming a part of who you are.
Virgo Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
You see clearly now, Virgo. You see clearly now how things worked out in your favour. How you were being protected, not punished, by the Universe. How you were perpetually being propelled in the direction of growth. The onset of Virgo season sees you smiling your brightest smile, expressing gratitude for both your present and your past and creating the future with cautious optimism. There’s so much to look forward to and you’re just getting started, beautiful!
Cosmic tip: Today, you’re grateful for it all!
Libra Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
Remember when you couldn’t do all the things you can now? Remember, when you didn’t have the resources that you do at this moment? So, pause, Libra, pause. Take a moment to appreciate how far you have come. It’s important to look at yourself *and* your journey through the eyes of pride every now and then. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you’re gearing up for yet another breakthrough moment, one that will put you on the map for all the right reasons.
Cosmic tip: Take a moment to appreciate how far you have come.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
Here’s some internet wisdom for you to begin mulling over: the day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. In case you’re wondering you are on the right track and you are shining your light and sharing your wisdom with the world in the way you are meant to. So, be patient with yourself, Scorpio. Instead of playing tug of war, allow things to manifest as they are meant to. You’re closer than ever to the realisation of your big dream, beautiful.
Cosmic tip: Be gentle with yourself.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
This is the season to open your heart, Sagittarius! This is the season to fall in love with everything that life has to offer, and more. This is the season to find the rainbow that lies beyond the clouds. This is the season to lay your trust in the cosmic plan and know that things are falling into place for you. As you do, pay attention to the divine openings and trust where they are leading you towards. You are on the brink of magnificent change, but you just don’t know it yet, beautiful!
Cosmic tip: Pay attention to the divine openings.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
Every now and then, you have to burst your own bubbles. Every now and then, you have to burn your own rulebook. Every now and then, you have to reject the norms and listen to what the voice of your soul is telling you. Now is such a time in your life, Capricorn. So, dissolve the barriers as you show up as the most flawsome version of yourself. By doing so, you will create space for the other to come as they are and unlock the portal for deeper intimacy in this sacred connection.
Cosmic tip: Show up as your most flawsome self.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
But, what fills *your* cup, Aquarius? What awakens the feeling of joy within and reminds you that bliss is your true nature? Here’s some of the ways in which you could show yourself some love today: 1. Go for a walk in the wilderness. 2. Visit your favourite bookstore. 3. Gallery hop with that friend who is always educating you about art. 4. Book a sound healing session. 5. Get passes for that one festival you’ve been thinking about for years. 6. Make your way to a sacred place that always inspires the best in you. 7. Attend a community workshop. 8. Curate a playlist for the ‘bad days’. 9. Make art.
Cosmic tip: Create your own happiness potion, beautiful one.
Pisces Horoscope Today: August 22, 2022
Maybe you don’t have to try and change everything about you. Maybe you don’t have to RSVP to every gathering you’re invited to. Virgo season is inspiring you to slow down, to turn your gaze inwards and start a dialogue about the things that truly matter. Freeing yourself from the narrative that your self-worth is determined by your productivity will enable you to find joy, beauty and grace exactly where you are.
Cosmic tip: Slow down.